06/14 Wind Music Awards '07 @Italia 1
Laura 因 Io Canto 專輯銷量超過15萬張獲頒獎座一座
Laura 沒有出席,但有錄製一段影片在典禮上播放 YouTube
07/05 Laura 受邀在 Andrea Bocelli 的演唱會上對唱 "Vivere"
鄰近古城比薩(Pisa, Tuscany–Italy),
這裡也是 Bocelli 的出生地。
*演唱會場地:Teatro del Silenzio Click
*購票資訊:TicketOne FourOne
07/07 氣候危機演唱會(Live Earth)in 巴塞隆納
News:PrensaQuatro Terra.es
07/09 Ischia Music Award(07/09~07/11三天)
"Ischia Music Award 2007" is an event for experts and
insiders only and it won’t be aired on TV.
↓等我有空再翻譯,先貼英文的消息 XD
MUSIC: Laura Pausini and Sheryl Crow win the Ischia Music Award
(ANSA) - ISCHIA (Naples), 15 GIU - Laura Pausini and Sheryl Crow win the Ischia Music Award 2007.
The award to the queen of italian pop music will be presented to her on next July 11 by David Foster, Laura Pausini’s U.S producer. Foster himself will receive the William Walton Music & Film Awards, together with musicians and Oscar winners Gustavo Santaolalla and Luis Bacalov.
"The fifth Ischia Global Film and Music Fest will be dedicated to Luciano Pavarotti" announced in Los Angeles Tony Renis, Vice President of the International Art Academy of Ischia, as he presented the program of the event, which will take place from July 9th to 15th at the Regina Isabella Hotel in the town of Lacco Ameno.
Sheryl Crow will inaugurate the musical section of the festival at the port of Ischia on July 10th, where she will receive the Ischia Venice Casino Musica Award together with italian singer Andrea Mingardi.
On July 11th at the Hotel San Montano in Lacco Ameno, Pausini and Foster will receive their awards. Foster is a great producer of stars like Barbra Streisand, Celine Dione, and Michael Bublé (...)
"After Bocelli, Bacharach and Belafonte this year we just had to honor the great Laura Pausini, winner of a Grammy last year and just back from San Siro in Milan, where she was the first italian woman to sing in a stadium." said Tony Renis. (ANSA).
07/14 法國國慶演唱會(Champ Libre! Le Concert de la Fraternite)
Laura 共演唱3首歌(Tra Te e il Mare, Io Canto/Je Chante
& E Ritorno da Te)
07/20 Premio Lunezia in Aulla (Massa, Tuscany, Itlay)
Laura 獲頒 The "Lunezia nel mondo" Award
( il messaggio musical-letterario portato nel mondo
con le canzoni italiane)
07/21 Festival Teatro-Canzone Giorgio Gaber (第四屆)
Laura將演唱 Giorgio Gaber 的歌 "Non insegnate ai bambini"
*Giorgio Gaber:義大利歌手及演員,已過世。
是由義大利歌手 Alice 演唱 "Non insegnate ai bambini"
08/23 Mexico:Premios OYE 官網
Laura 獲得墨西哥 OYE Awards 提名最佳女歌手獎
(另外四位入圍者為 Belinda、Jennifer López、Paulina Rubio、
目前還不知道 Laura 是否會出席參加
Laura Pausini is nominated for the OYE Awards as "Best Female Solo Artist". This is an award given by the Recorded Industry in Mexico.
The prize-giving ceremony is held in the town of Veracruz (Mexico) on Aug 23rd @ the World Trade Center.
※08/29更新 Premios OYE 得獎名單
西文年度專輯 Miguel Bosé / Papito
西文年度歌曲 Alejandro Sanz / Te Lo Agradezco Pero No (Con Shakira)
西文流行男歌手 Alejandro Fernández / Viento a Favor
西文流行女歌手 Belinda / Utopia
英文年度專輯 Beyonce / B'Day
08/29 拉丁葛來美入圍名單岀爐
Laura 以 Yo Canto 專輯入圍最佳流行女歌手專輯獎
09/08 Laura 可能參加一個在羅馬舉行的活動 "Notte Bianca"
這個活動是為了向 Armando Trovaioli 表示敬意所舉行的
Armando Trovaioli (1917/09/02) 是義大利的音樂家與作曲家
It's possible, even if we have no certainties now, that Laura will take part in the Notte Bianca in Rome on next September 8th (Piazza del Campidoglio) to pay homage to Armando Trovaioli.
09/23 Festival O'scià - Lampedusa
On September Laura will be involved in Claudio Baglioni's Festival "O' scià" to support the meeting of races and cultures, on the charming italian island of Lampedusa. A remarkable free music kermess involving many stars of italian and international Pop music scene.
At present there's no further info about that.
10/28 Miami - Concert "Amor a la Música 2007"
Laura 將前往邁阿密,參加由屬於 Univision Radio 的電台 AMOR
107.5 FM 舉行的"Amor a la Música 2007"演唱會
受邀者有 Juanes, Alejandro Fernández, Juan Luis Guerra,
Christian Castro, Laura Pausini 與 Alexandre Pires 等
11/02 Radio Date:Destinazione Paradiso/Y Mi Banda Toca El Rock
30秒試聽 Destinazione Paradiso Y Mi Banda Toca El Rock
11/04 World Music Awards (舉行地點:蒙特卡羅) WMA官網
Laura將赴蒙地卡羅領獎,並演唱"Destinazione Paradiso"
11/08 拉丁葛萊美頒獎典禮(地點:拉斯維加斯)
Laura 將出席頒獎典禮,並在典禮上演唱(曲目未知)
希望 Laura 這次能繼 Escucha 後再拿下最佳流行女歌手專輯獎
11/21 Laura 的新書 "Fai quello che sei" 發行日 Click
11/24 義大利電視節目 "C'è Posta Per Te" @ Canale 5
這是 Io Canto 發行以來第二次參加該節目錄影
11/28 Laura 將赴西班牙兩天(28&29)參加兩個電視節目錄影
11/30 Live in San Siro 2007 DVD-CD 發行日
12/05 Laura 受邀參加 Miguel Bose 在米蘭舉行的演唱會
12/08 於法拉利歲末聚會擔任表演嘉賓 Click
12/09 Laura 參加義大利電視節目 "Che Tempo Che Fa" 錄影
這是 Io Canto 發行以來第二次參加該節目錄影
12/22 Fan Club Annual Party 相關細節
消息來源:Laura Pausini Official MySpace
- Jul 04 Wed 2007 20:45
【情報】Laura Pausini 6~12月宣傳行程 (11/27更新)